Sakura Diaries : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Is Sakrua Diaries a porno or something? Cause some sites says suggested ages 17

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2003


yeah it porn

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2003

actually, i bought the dvd set of sakura without realizing it's hentai. anyway, i sold it to my friend eventually. i'm not really into those kind of stuff. (*no offense to those who likes it*).

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2003

It happens Kooguy, don't worry. Last week I downloaded Cool Devices. I tought it was a manga but no it was some hentai movies.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2003

the title is deceiving. i also thought it's normal anime and downloaded an ep from kazaa.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2003

i learned when dling when it says manga or dojin or hentai do not dl if you dont wanna see jap carton porn only if it says anikraze or the actual creator or inugirl

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2003

not exactly porno not either hentai (sakura diaries or sakura tsujin) havenīt seen it, but í guess it can be called "soft hentai" not really sex scenes or anything. i guess itīs just like some katsura manga. lol cool devices... that is hentai...

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2003

I don't get my stuff from kazaa because (well for games and movies) the files are always renamed and It's getting annnoying to waste a 700mb of bandwidth downloading a movie when you realise it's not the movie you wanted.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2003

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