Erm....please let it end nicely.... : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Just wondering if Hellsing does have an extension episode or something like that...if it does, can somebody tell me where to get it? Oh and my other question is...which are some animes that u badly wished that the creaters would create an OVA or something to finsh off the the anime properly??

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2003


As far as I know, Hellsing only has 13 eps, and they aren't making any more (or OVAs). I have heard rumors that they are thinking of making more... but as I said... those are rumors. They didn't have the time or money (which one it actually was I forget) to finish the series the first time, so they just filled it with Incognito. :'(

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2003

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