tenshi na konamaiki raw episodesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
i want to locate tenshi na konamaiki raw episodes...if anyone DOES possess them i would be extremely grateful if the person would be so kind to send to me, their choice of method, im open to anything !or if you _have_ seen raw episodes _somewere_ it would be a great tip in my quest to obtain all tenshi episodes, i know anime-empire is fansubbing but the ratio of their fansubbing is to slow to quench my hunger for more tenshi.
iv located lots of them on eDonkey but am unable to download them, or the rate of the download is as slow as the fansubbing, in any case _very_ slow
if you should require some service in return for the favour i shall see to it with the best of my abilities
regards - feanor
-- Anonymous, September 20, 2003