People said that GUNDAM SEED was going to run 52 episodes but now its only 50, any1 know why? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Origanally people said that GUndam seed was 52 episodes long, why is it only 50 now? Did they shorten it or something??? Or were they just wrong??
-- Anonymous, September 22, 2003
I hear it was shortened to 50 to create interest for a Gundam Seed II sometime in 2004. Treat this with a pinch of salt until you hear it from a reliable/official source.
-- Anonymous, September 22, 2003
52 sounds right cos normally for anime one season lasts for 13 eps, but who knows...
-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003
errr.. an anime season is 26 episodes O_o 13 is half
-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003
No, you guys got misinformed, it was really 50 eps. From the start of the series to the end is about 52 weeks, but 2 of the weeks there weren't any Gundam Seed, that's why.
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2003
Ah, looks like that's right. I checked and it says that there were only 50 episodes. So now we know. Gundam episodes always run for strange numbers of episodes anyway, it would seem.
-- Anonymous, September 25, 2003