more DN Angel episodes : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

were already at episode 25 but it seems like 26 wont be like a wrap up episode like completing the series. anyone know if there may be a second season for it or something? [dubbed anime is so horrible it makes me want to cry wheres the emotion ] it sure sucks that shaman king isnt getting anymore eps because the last episode was totally hinting at more episodes but i guess it got cancelled or something but better to leave it at that than have the US make like shaman king X the next generation or some shit so every night before i go to bed i pray they wont further disgrace a once-great anime. rock on

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2003


I don't think they will make another series.But there is only 26 yupp yupp!

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2003

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