Sprocket Size

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

What is a good front and rear sprocket for street/track use? Also, what brand would be good?

-- AP (themosthated1@hotmail.com), September 25, 2003


Nice e-mail address!

Big problem with front sprockets - as far as I can tell there are no alternatives to the MV parts; I've tried looking as I've already been waiting for over two months for one from the importer!

If you want to mess around with rears, go for a two-piece set up - I bought mine direct from Sebimoto in Germany, but I think Ferracci also do them. The carrier stays permanently on the bike, and you can change the (cheap) outer sprocket wheel in a matter of minutes to your hearts content!

Bear in mind that you need to change by at least two teeth to notice any difference, which might mean shortening/lengthening the chain.

-- Senna 026 (ralph@eurograv.co.uk), September 25, 2003.

STM has a very nice quick change set-up.

http://www.motowheels.com/italian/myProducts.cfm?parentcategoryid=7% 7CDrive%20Train&productID=2323&showDetail=1&categoryID=461|MV% 20Agusta%20Drivetrain&vendoridtodisplay=0&filterFor=&collection=168% 7CItalian%20Motorcycle%20Parts

-- martin (martin@motowheels.com), September 25, 2003.

Senna 026, will the ones that special parts from MV make a front sprocket that has diff. teeth size?

-- AP (themosthated1@hotmail.com), September 25, 2003.


"Special Parts" only list a 14T or 15T front sprocket, and they seem expensive to me. Also, they quote 15 days delivery which is better than the standard parts if my experiences are anything to go by!

I believe that F4s's have a 14T as standard (the Senna has a 15T, but they ARE NOT interchangeable), so changing up to an SP 15T (the only alternative from SP) would would slow your acceleration but increase your top speed by 7 per cent; usually riders who want to change their final drive ratios are aiming for the opposite, i.e. get quicker acceleration at the expense of a few mph at the top.

I really think you should stick with the standard front, and go the carrier/sprocket route with the rear, as above.

Good luck

-- Senna 026 (ralph@eurograv.co.uk), September 26, 2003.

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