That one song on Rurouni's hard to explain.....-_- : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

okay, this is hard to explain, but i want to buy a Rurouni Kenshin Soundtrack, but i want one that has one of my favorite themes on it....i don't know the name of the theme, so i can't find's the one that played in the episode "Conquered Village: the grasp of Shishio's hands" when Saitou is explaining how the government abandoned ten villages....i know it's been on more eps, but i can't remember them....please help me, if you can!

-- Anonymous, September 27, 2003


I can't really remember what song was playing through that scene, its been a year since I watched it. But Departure is my favorite song off of kenshin.

-- Anonymous, September 27, 2003

Well, right now I don't recall what the song name is or how the song goes, but maybe it could be helpful to you if you go to the next address:, they have almost all the original soundtracks, you can download them, and hear them, I think probably the one you´re looking for is on the OST 2, but if I find out what's the song's name, I will e-mail you.

-- Anonymous, September 27, 2003

thank you so much for your help! i found it on the Director's Cut cd, it's called Departure. Thank you again for your help!

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2003

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