Does Bittorent work on Mac os 9? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I was just wondering because it is so difficult to download anything on macs...^^;

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2003


No sorry, it's for PC only. and yes its hard to download stuff for macs. It's why Im on Windows. Otherwise I would be on mac :P

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2003

Then start saving your pennies, Akamaru... Mac OSX (which has been the operating system for Apple for a couple of years) is based on Unix and CAN use BitTorrent (as well as other previously PC-only programs). If, however, you're like me and are still using Mac OS 9 or older, you'll either have to find http sites which allow regular file downloads, FTP addresses or IRC channels in order to download anime and manga.

The downside is, locating them is a little harder than with BitTorrent. The upside is, the download rate is MUCH higher, especially if you have broadband or DSL... because with BitTorrent you're downloading AND uploading (to other members) the same file at the same time, splitting the transfer rates and lengthening the time it takes for you to get your stuff.

BitTorrent transfers max out around 30-40 kb/s. The other transfers will give you the max of whatever internet connection you have, up to 140 kb/s and beyond! Which means more anime in less time!

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2003

it's just your pathetic computer that's giving you 30-40kB/s. i almost always reach my max speed (150kB/s which i think is pathetic enuh) as long as it's new files. some pp can reach more than 1000kB/s if their connection is really good.

ad for BT for Mac, i know nothing about Mac but if you check the website there's a download file for Mac OS X. dunno if it'll work for you.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2003

you have your answer here:

Can I use BitTorrent on Mac OS 9? After installing MacPython, you should be able to use from the source.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2003

--Can I use BitTorrent on Mac OS 9? After installing MacPython, you should be able to use from the source.--

What the heck does THAT mean???

Unless you're a serious Mac coder, and understand exactly what this "patchware" application does (or DOESN'T do) I would NOT try using "MacPython" on any Mac whose OS is older than OSX. You risk completely screwing up your system, and that's a high price to pay just to download anime you can get with a lot less trouble through other methods.

General rule: Unless you know of another person with a similar system who's used the software successfully or can walk you through it, DON'T install amateur "patchware" to your system. Don't let your computer be a guinea pig.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2003

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