people!!! do NOT use bittorent again!!! bittorent is designed to keep your harddrive spinning at topspeed, therefore allowing continuous download even though discontinue earlier. this causes the harddrive to lose its lifespan extremely quickly and thus become dangerously unstable, it will begin crashing very easily, or everytime you use bittorent. so my advice is STOP using bittorent and make them realize that bittorent only causes your harddrive to die really quickly. ty

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2003


Wha?? Seriously???! Noway...How'd you find out?

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2003

I've got news for you, you put your harddrive at top speed when you...

-download -run programs -start your computer


So don't act all crazy and try to scare all of us, think before you speak! Unless you have any other supportive information to your obsured comment, I suggest you don't spread this unneccesary rumor.

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2003

battousai, what you said is totally unfounded. BT may not be compatible to certain hardware and cause crashes of the computer. all you need to do is, either get a good hardware or update your driver. you sound like some whiny kid who gets angry with the whole world just because something don't work your way.

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2003

you know what, my pc starts to crash almost every day and its just like u said man! dunno if it have anything to do with BT

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2003

ummmmm... no, i'll keep using bittorrent thank you, my down is always between 20-150 kbs and people uploading from me are around 20 kbs most of the time, and i don't have any problem with that, i mean, if it didn't work that way i wouldn't have the file in the first place

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2003

it isnt a joke, and neither is my comment unsupported, many of my friends experience excessive crashing due to heavy download with bittorent, the thing is that the harddrive spins at top speed during a bittorent download. it is true that during any download the harddrive will spin, however, bittorent causes the harddrive to stay spinning at max speed over a prolonged lenght of time due to its ability to begin download wherever it left off. you can say bittorent is similiar to all other p2p software, however, bittorent is the only program that access the file directly from the harddrive during its allocation and downloads. so yeah, use it at ur own risk, for bittorent DOES mess up your harddrives, and if it doesnt, then that means you have a durable harddrive, but that doesnt really protect you of what MAY happen. im jus posting this b/c many of my friends harddrives now crashes due to bittorent, jus warning everyone.

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2003

maybe it is just computers- they aren't powerful enough or something because there have been times when i download 3 different things from bt. and times when i use kazaa bt and emule at once- no problems here

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2003

Does anyone know a good place tahts fast to use bittorent to download naruto eps?

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2003

if you read the FAQ you'll see that the creator has warned of certain hardware that don't work well with BT. I had the problem of my comp crashing all the time but then someone told me to update my network card driver and now everything is working fine again. i seriously believe it's up to your own computer.

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2003

Backup your stuff. Who knows when the HDD will stop working. I still have fun with bittorrent. When I can download a distribution of linux 700Mb in 45 mins, I don`t complaint much...

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2003

One of my friend loaded over 50gb of anime and had no problem! His computer is three year old

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2003

I DL over night of BT & Kazaa and my PC is on for weeks at a time. I have easy over 150GB or 200BG of anime and BT doesnt give me to much shit, so i dont think thats true. P.S. My PC has about 400GB hard drive space and only one has crashed but i didnt have BT at the time.

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2003

Don't forget to Defrag your computer! It helps, trust me. The defragmentor re arranges all of the spaced out hard drive files.

Start Menu, Programs, Acessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmentor.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2003

your HDD is always spinning when you are using your computer so it doesn't really matter.

if a HDD tends to fail, it usually tends to fail when you bought a HDD most recently. if it doesn't fail after a month of excessive usage, it usually indicates that the HDD will last quite long. Unless you man handle your HDD everyday.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2003

Your HDD is always spinning and usually not at top speed. HDDs marked for 7200 RPM rarely if ever reach that speed in the real world. HDDs are a form of random access memory, your OS interprets data and writes to the disk as it sees fit, sometimes fragmenting files that won't fit in contiguous memory. If one area of disk space, say a file you’re seeding with BT, is accessed frequently the OS will compensate by loading much of that file into system RAM to take the load of the drive. You can see this in Win2k/XP by using perfmon. I monitored my upload speed and my disk read/write speeds in KBps and MBps respectively for a period of a few hours repeatedly over the course of a few months. When my upload speed was at 30KBps my HDD read speed was not anywhere near that. At maximum my HDD read speed/write speeds will get up to about 10 to 15 MBps, and that's usually only when I check parity of large files or do a large decompressions/encodes. BT will not mess up your HDD. The relationship between HDDs spinning and HDDs becoming corrupt is spurious. And yes, defragging your hard drives periodically will go a long way towards increasing disk life span.

-- Anonymous, October 08, 2003

Ok I don't know if this is bullshit or not, but I still use 56K which causes me to have to download for one full day. If my computer hasn't crashed already i'd say we're all pretty much safe -.-

-- Anonymous, October 08, 2003

BITTORRENT i so fucking bad it doesn't even have any support for you to use it behind a proxy server

-- Anonymous, November 12, 2003

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