Why does the Ghost appear in Gertrude’s chamber?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet : One Thread

I am just wondering why the Ghost appears in Gertrude’s chamber? What is his reasoning to doing so? What is he trying to do to Gertrude? Thanks alot. Peace.

-- tony pham (ladieskiller101@yahoo.com), October 04, 2003


Response to Why does the Ghost appear in GertrudeÂ’s chamber?

It wants to say what it does to Hamlet.

-- catherine england (catherine_england@emailaccount.com), October 04, 2003.

Response to Why does the Ghost appear in GertrudeÂ’s chamber?

Can you explain it a little more? Thanks. Peace.

-- tony pham (ladieskiller101@yahoo.com), October 05, 2003.

Response to Why does the Ghost appear in GertrudeÂ’s chamber?

It just comes because it wants to see Hamlet. It doesn't want to do anything to Gertrude, although I think it does want to stop Hamlet from laying into her. In I.v it has told Hamlet not to hurt her in any way. So now it tells Hamlet to stop wasting time and get on with the revenge. It comes to say that to Hamlet.

-- catherine england (catherine_england@emailaccount.com), October 05, 2003.

Response to Why does the Ghost appear in GertrudeÂ’s chamber?

thanks a lot.

-- tony pham (ladieskiller101@yahoo.com), October 06, 2003.

Response to Why does the Ghost appear in GertrudeÂ’s chamber?

The structure of the play needed another showing of the ghost and to totally isolate Hamlet from the world Gertrude, his only family member left, was chosen by Shakespeare to inform the King that he was definitly mad. Horatio was his only sole friend, the friend that he needed to repeat his story, similar to the bible, a fable, do ghosts exist? I don't think that they do and purgatory was a myth that the Elizabethan period wanted to eliminate.

-- Elizabeth Hemmings (20049260@northampton.ac.uk), February 19, 2004.

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