Where can I download Marmalade Boygreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I was wondering where I could find Marmalade Boy. I've tried a bunch of peer to peer programs and direct connect and I can seem to find anyone who will let me download them. Could someone please tell me where I can find the episodes?
-- Anonymous, October 05, 2003
Ever try IRC?
-- Anonymous, October 05, 2003
ok, i just tried IRC and went into a whole bunch of servers. I know people put episodes on the web because i have 4 eps. well when I tried IRC, I found nothing but this one dude that had manga volumes. Are there any more sugestions?
-- Anonymous, October 05, 2003
Oh, you meant the anime. Hmm, I haven't seen any of the anime anywhere. I'll keep an eye out for it next time I'm on IRC.
-- Anonymous, October 05, 2003
This website is supost to have Marmalade Boy but only the first fiveish worked on my computer. Then again I do have the older version of realplayer. http://www.tiafu.com/anime.php?marmalade
-- Anonymous, October 10, 2003