Holy Trinity or Yahweh

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

In the dictionary Yahweh is described as a Male God of Hebrews. The Holy Trinity is not in the Dictionary, though is the God of Catholic/Christian faith. What is the difference? If we are Judeo-Christian faith there should be none. In that case Synagogues should accept Jesus as God. How can I approach this dilemma?

-- Josef Meszaros (meszaros.j@att.net), October 05, 2003


My dear Hungarian friend,
Look up "Trinity" (not "Holy Trinity") in the dictionary.
It is there. (My dictionary has "Yahweh," but doesn't say "male," because God did not reveal himself to the Jews as "male.")

-- J. F. Gecik (jfgecik@hotmail.com), October 05, 2003.

Shalom Yosif,

Perhaps our site on the oneness of HaShem might help. You can find this at:


Let us know if you have any further questions we might be able to help you with.

Shalom b'Yeshua HaMoshiach (Peace in Jesus Christ), C & C

-- C.Foegen (cfoegen@anglefire.com), October 05, 2003.

Christians believe in and worship the same God as the Jewish people, hense the term Judeo-Christian. Jews however, are not in any way Trinitarian in their conception of God so it doesn't follow that Synagogues should accept Jesus as God. They do not believe that Jesus was the messiah, and do not necessarily believe that the messiah (when he comes) will be God himself. There are some Jews who believe in and accept Jesus as the messiah. Their acceptance of Jesus results in their being considered Christian by traditional Jews. This answer is an over simplification of a much more complicated topic. Jim

-- Jim Furst (furst@flash.net), October 05, 2003.

God is God. Accept no substitutes.

-- Rita Hill of Earth (leouna@yahoo.com), October 05, 2003.

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