When the heck is Inuyasha's anime gonna catch up to its manga?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Ok I've been readin the manga and its awsome but the show hasn't even gotten close to where the manga is. O and for Kikyo haters, guess what you can't kill a dead person, Kagome helps her out =P. If any one knows why its takin so dang long plz let me know b/c I have seen all the other ones and I wanna see Kagome kick Naruaku's butt already. thanks ttyl.
-- Anonymous, October 05, 2003
I know! That's my fav. show! I can't wait either. *sighs* They're just soo lazy...
-- Anonymous, October 05, 2003
From what I heard the anime has just about caught up with the manga. They're just about to go onto the whole Hijiri-sama business and then they'll be only 2 volumes away from the current manga. Which means it's filler time! Or they'll end it on their own, either way it's no big deal.
-- Anonymous, October 05, 2003
I think it's gonna be bad when they catch up to manga, I mean, then we'll just get a bunch of draged out fillers, I say the longer it takes the better :P
-- Anonymous, October 05, 2003
you have inu manga?? on the computer??? can you shaer it? please ^_^
-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003