Who's Your fav.Gundam charactar?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
What is your favorote Gundam Charactar?
-- Anonymous, October 06, 2003
My favorote character is Shwartz Bruter.(the fake one)He is incredibley strong!I wish i could be him!!!
-- Anonymous, October 06, 2003
i have no comment .All iwant to do in my life is to MASTURBATE
-- Anonymous, October 06, 2003
Heero,Trowa,Kira,Asuran - these are all the best ones from my opioion coz Heero acts cold-hearted but he is kind reminds me of Vegeta, Trowa keeps his emotions locked up but keeps his cool, Kira crys alot but he is a great fighter compared to Quatre and Asuran is a don, he can fight alone and with a gundam, he's the Better version of Heero.
-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003
Duo Maxwell. BTW "G Gundam" was way deviated and drawn off the pointof the gundam series. and "SD Gundam" is just stupid.
-- Anonymous, October 10, 2003
Duo kicks ass. You know it's true."Oro~?"
-- Anonymous, October 12, 2003
got 3 words for you-duo is the man!i meant 4!
-- Anonymous, October 12, 2003
DOMON is the man!he is strong,handsome,and weird.....but sometimes he gets over reacted....ALL the time.and the gals really go for him!
-- Anonymous, October 12, 2003
DOMON is the man!he is strong,handsome,and weird.....but sometimes he gets over reacted....ALL the time.and the gals really go for him! but he is kinda crapy reactions but he's attitude.....darn him!
-- Anonymous, October 12, 2003
There's already a thread for this... but I'd either have to say Domon or Chibodee.
-- Anonymous, October 14, 2003