Ai Yori Aoshi S2 : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I was told that Ai Yori Aoshi had a second season coming out, so I downloaded the preview. But The setting took place before Aoi and Kaoru ever even met. Whats more, Aoi is santa clause and she has magic and stuff. What the hell is all this about? How is this a sequel?

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003


i think it's a sequel that takes place 1 yr after S1

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003

Yeah but in the preview, Santa, looks exactly like Aoi, and he never even met Aoi yet. All the characters are there, but they don't live together, and they don't even know each other yet. Except for Tina and Kaoru. The preview made it look like Season one never happened.

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003

Dont mind the preview

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003

where can i find this preview?

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003

this preview is just to re-introduce the characters, that's all.

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003

Actually, it wasn't a sequal at was a christmas special kind of deal that they released. Anime-Kraze has the first episode of Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi (2nd season) at their site. They also have the christmas special for download as well, I think it's called Ai Yori Aoshi Miyakui...or something similar.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2003

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