i need sesshomaru and rin factsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I need facts about sesshomaru and rin for a fanfic i am wrighting and i need them fast so can you please help me out what are some web sites i can go to,to find them please help me!!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003
Hey I was wondering what you need it for. Well anyway I was thinking have you ever been to Sailor Bob's website? She might have some stuff there like links n' stuff but if on the menu bar you go to the characters I'm sure she'll have some Fluffy facts (Sesshoumaru facts. Her website is http://www.shihaf.com/frames.html so um yeah. Anyway good luck. If the Sailor Bob doesn't work than you might want to check out Inuyashaworld.com they might also have some stuff.
-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003