SHADOW SKILL TV : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

What happen to Shadow Skill TV??? it used to be downloaded it just stopped....1-14 Eps...what happened??? I'm Kinda P"ssed coz after Gundam seed finished I had to find an new anime....plz help if u know the answer....if u dont know what shadow skill it...its Laterz

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003


In your own time

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003

The group that subbed shadow skill tv quit.

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2003

not exactly's because they had disputes which they couldn't resolve internally that the only best option was to disband their group for everybody's sake.

and nobody is subbing shadow skill cause it's quite an old anime if i remember correctly.

tough luck...but if you're lucky another group my take it up.

-- Anonymous, October 08, 2003

thanks man

-- Anonymous, October 08, 2003

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