FOUL! FOUL! FOUL! : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I just read the August article on the Mead Sawmill in Greenville closing down. I can understand a situation where a company can no longer be profitable and close an unnecessary plant down. When I read the rumor about the state DOT pushing for total abandonment of the R-Line so they can make US 27 a Four-Lane-Road, I'm crying MAJOR FOUL! There is no reason whatsoever why US 27 in Greenville needs to be Four-Laned. THERE IS NOTHING DOWN THERE!!!!! This is a disgrace of our state and our governer and this makes me mad enough to want to pursue a recall of Governer Sonny Perdue and replace him with Jeff Foxworthy. If Lewis Grizzard were still alive, I would say make him the next Governor. I apologize if this sounds derogatory, but there is absolutely no excuse for this kind of recklessness on part of the State DOT and I personally feel like somebody with deep-pockets or political influence should act quick to make the R-Line a "Historical-Site" so the "Vote-Hungry" politicians can't go lay their precious Four-Lane so they can get re-elected. I apologize if this sounds strong but I am hot over this. What Next, turn the Savannah CofG Locomotive shops into a night-club?????

-- Jonathan Vanover (, October 08, 2003


I thought you said it was a rumor?

-- Elton (, October 10, 2003.

You are right and the real thing here is that there is no traffic on that road that warrants a 4 lane highway. No where.Oh and what happened to the big budget problems the state was having? Lets put down more pavement...yea right.

-- R Gulley (, October 08, 2003.

Nice quote - fighting traffic congestion by widening roads is like fighting obesity by loosening your belt. AS for what's next, nothing surprises me anymore.

-- rudd long (, October 08, 2003.

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