heresy, I wish we could change this one, but oh well : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Catholic? Protestant? What happened to the followers of Christ? 2 year missionaries? Paul didn't move to Corinth, but he kept in touch with them. I ask again, where are the prophets, apostles, evangelists, pastors, teachers, deacons, priests, deacons, bishops, 70? How can I be "surprised" at how well your church resembles the past if you dont' tell me how it does? If you were to ask anyone in the days of Christ's ancient church where those officers were that member would be able to tell you. So I ask again where are they? By what authority did you do away with them if you don't have them. If you do have them then where are they. How can any person say they follow Christ's church if it does not have the proper authority. This authority was held by his servants the apostles. etc. Where are they?

-- Frank Godfrey (, October 08, 2003


"This authority was held by his servants the apostles. etc. Where are they?"

I think the mormons feel they have some of 'those' fellows...

-- Daniel Hawkenberry (, October 08, 2003.

Mr. Godfrey:
Maybe you could re-phrase that post.

''If you were to ask anyone in the days of Christ's ancient church where those

Officers? Well, our Pope is the direct-line successor to Saint Peter. The Christian world obviously has grown. Therefore we now have countless more than just twelve apostles; the ''officers'' now called bishops. They succeed the apostles. In Acts you read how by ''laying on of hands'' the new apostles were ordained in the early Church. It still is done that way.

The presbyters are our priests, today as they were in those days. They teach; they evangelise, they sanctify Christ's people, with authority from Rome (The epistle to the Romans ought to strike you relevant to my statement. Please read Rom 1, :7 and :8 /

To complete your paragraph: ''So I ask again where are they? By what authority did you do away with them if you don't have them? If you do have them then where are they?''

Read all of the above.


-- eugene c. chavez (, October 08, 2003.

Where were they? They are in the gospel as others have described. He is another way to think of it. Jesus said that he was coming back and soon, before they, the apostles, die. But then the apostles started to die off. So they institutionalized everything because they didn't know when Jesus was coming back. Paul even says this. He basically tells the people to get on with their lives because we don't know when He is coming back. Those offices were probably there is some form. Look at the evolution of the Church before you start asking questions.

I am sure the early fathers had a good reason for doing the things they did. But you can't trust that.

-- Scott (, October 08, 2003.

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