Changeing a bittorent file download name...can other users upload that file still? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

My comp at times slow down like someone uploading from my comp....if i change the place of that file or change the name would it still be able to download...coz serious i have no idea why my comp is slow at times...i got good RAM so dont ask that

-- Anonymous, October 11, 2003


Yes you can chance the file name and it'll still be able to work. The same goes for moving the file. I'm unsure about when you're downloading folders and not individual files.

-- Anonymous, October 11, 2003

For one you would still have to have the bittorent client open for that file in order for someone to be downloading from you.

-- Anonymous, October 11, 2003

even if you change the file name, people will still be able to dl from you IF your BT for that file is still open (ie seeding that particular file or if you are still downloading). but if you mean you've closed BT and your comp becomes very slow, click ctr-alt-del and check if your BT is properly closed. sometimes the BT is not shut down properly and you see this "btdownloadgui (not responding)", just close the program and your comp should be fine again. This happens sometimes when you leave the BT on for too long. but i don't know if this applies to your case.

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2003

Changing the name of the file works provided you have the file saved as the same dir as the changed name of the file after you opened the bittorrent.

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2003

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