Matrix Reloaded dvd : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I was so happy when I got my Matrix Reloaded dvd, but where the hell is the P.O.D music video(Sleeping Awake)? Has anyone else found the P.O.D music video yet?

-- Anonymous, October 16, 2003


matrix Reloaded SUCKED BIG TIME!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2003

Um... this is an anime forum.

-- Anonymous, October 17, 2003

No shit, this an anime forum. All I want is a fucking answer to my question or you can just shut the fuck up if it doesn't have a god damned thing to do with my post!!! By posting respones like, "Matrix sucks" or some shit like that consider this, who's the one thats making themself look like a dumbass? If anyone had half a brain they would know that by posting shit like that your just showing how much of a dumbass you really are.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2003

You fucking mother shut the fuck up and from now on don't you fucking make retard post like " Matrix Reloaded dvd". This is Anime forum if you want to get the friking answer go to other board you piece a shit. You are the guy don't have brain and dumbass. Just get the fuck away from this post and die you mother fucker.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2003

You are the mother fucker!! All I want is a fucking answer to my question. Take this


-- Anonymous, October 18, 2003

Yo! Flame off guys, and watch your language! Kids read this forum too you know.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 2003

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