How do you know if God is calling to you? : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I have had some extraordinary experiences over the past few years and i cant begin to explain things. But for me it feels as if im being directed by someone to help absolve others of sins and things that trouble them. Most of all these people are seeming to find me first.

-- Matt (, October 17, 2003


Shalom Matt,

We would like to hear more of what you've experienced. Could you please take a few moments to elaborate on what you mean, even in the short. We love to hear how G-d is working in everyone's life who believes in Him.

Thank you, C & C

-- C. Foegen (, October 17, 2003.

Yes, me too! I truly would like to hear your story, Matt.

C&C, I've noticed your spelling, "G-d". I would also like to know why the Jewish faith does not permit the written name of "G-d".


-- rod (, October 17, 2003.

I will offer something...

"How do you know if God is calling to you?" hmmm... My answer is simple -you just know it!

I had an experience many months ago... IT happened after I completed heartfelt 'ad-libbed' prayer to Jesus and God. Among other things my prayer contained complete believe and humility with pledge of devotion and promise to do God's will and to live as an example of God...

Without getting into too may specifics -I was questioning my marriage and the cross I bear -I was asking for help... -my prayer involved my family & wife and the divorce and current annulment investigation etc...

The moment was brief -physically, I felt a dull warm feeling in my chest (like something just touched me with warmth) -a feeling of happiness/calm and a loss of all doubt overcame me. I knew everything was okay and would be okay... I got a message BUT I did not see any apparations or hear any words -it just came to me... The message was loving and even slightly fatherly? I was told/communicated this: "Daniel, put your ring back on"...

I have discussed the moment with my Parish Priest and he confirmed that I was not delusional and said that I was 'lucky' to have experienced this and that it was rare etc.

Since then I have tried to 'recapture' it with no luck... It is something that has solidified my faith -I KNOW GOD EXISTS!

I too am interested in this topic and would like to hear from any others that have experienced anything like this.

Sincerely in Christ,


-- Daniel Hawkenberry (, October 17, 2003.

I had my "Chranel" dream, but everybody made comments about it. The dream has brought me to where I am now in knowing the Scriptures and being more aware of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. "Chranel" kicked me where it counts. I won't go into details anymore; I can live without those comments.



-- rod (, October 17, 2003.

Answer: Caller I.D.

Seriously, I believe God calls all of us. It's just that many people aren't paying much attention. While others don't believe God calls any of us at all. The more I commit to and focus on God - let's say through reading the Bible and praying - the more I can sense His presence and His calling. God will never lead you astray from the teachings of the Bible, or away from Him, or put you in a contradictory position to those things which you know are right. Discernment is a very valuable gift. Through discernment you can detect God's voice and instructions over the rumblings of this world. In the end, it often simply a leap of faith. Pray, pray, pray. God bless.

P.S. Sorry for the weak joke above. I just couldn't help myself.

-- Gabo Gaviria (, October 17, 2003.

why the Jewish faith does not permit the written name of "G-d".

Because they believe the Name of God is too holy to be pronounced or written.

Interestingly, though, C&C have no trouble at all spelling out J-e-s-u-s.


-- jake (, October 17, 2003.

Jake you're so #@&* observant.




-- rod (, October 18, 2003.

It is true that only Christ can forgive sins. But what you fail to acknowledge is that He can do so any way He pleases. He does not have to forgive sins according to your preferred format. Christ revealed His chosen method of forgiving men's sins in John 20:22-23, where He specially empowered and commissioned the apostles, the first priests of His Church, to forgive the sins of men in His name. Therefore when these men and their successors forgive men's sins, it is by the power of Christ, who conferred that power upon them, not by their own personal power. Therefore it is Christ who is forgiving men's sins, but according to His plan, not yours.

-- Paul M. (, October 18, 2003.

EARLIER POSTED: "You just need to be careful of deceiving spirits though. For many false Christs have gone out into the world to deceive even the elect--if that were possible."

I agree completely with the above statement. There are many people touting new and some not-so-new methods/techniques for encountering God. Even people who say they are members of the Church/clergy are leading their flock in practices based on a mix of Hinduism, Buddhism and modern psychology - "cloaked" in Christian terms and packaging. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. Be very very careful. Some of these practices do not have Jesus Christ as the core of their belief system - though they would have you believe that they do. They even diminish His importance/role. Be Bible-dependent, pray and ask the Lord for His gift of discernment.

-- Gabo Gaviria (, October 19, 2003.


Did you bother to read the passage?? It says nothing about binding and loosing. The passage you refer to, in Matthew, refers to the conferring of teaching authority and administrative powers. The passage I referred you to, in John, refers specifically to the forgiveness of sins, nothing else. "Receive the Holy Spirit ... Whose SINS YOU FORGIVE, they are forgiven them; whose sins you hold retained, they are held retained". Jesus says the apostles have the power to forgive men's sins in His name. You say they don't. Now who do you suppose I am going to believe? You? Or God?

Calvary made it POSSIBLE for our sins to be forgiven, but it did not automatically forgive every sin, or everyone would be saved. Forgiveness requires repentance and confession of sin. John 20:22-23 tells us how that is to occur.

-- Paul M. (, October 19, 2003.

Look at your error: and my understanding must necessarily combine with the whole of God's one message to us., that is revealed in the many books of the Bible. No one verse can give us complete understanding''

If that's so, why are you impressing us with your personal bible wisdom? You have no spiritual authority by which to ''combine'' any verse or passage with something else you arbitrarily discover in your musings.

The Church certainly does. Follow the Church of the holy apostles and true biblical wisdom will always be yours. Without the Church your wsdom is merely man's wisdom. Look at what that has achieved for the so-called Bible Christians of the west to date: the ''wisdom'' of Jimmy SWaaggerts, Oral Rbts, Mary Baker Eddy, Jack CCCaick, David Koraesh, Rev. Jim Jones; Rev. Ike, and Elmer Gantry???

And not ONE certified saint or martyr. All of them were good Bible-thumpers!

-- eugene c. chavez (, October 19, 2003.


-- eugene c. chavez (, October 19, 2003.

"we are told that it is not for private interpretation"

A: That's right! It is not for private interpretation by individual Baptist preachers, Catholic priests, Methodist ministers, or Congregationalist pastors, nor by the parishioner in the pew. It is to be interpreted ONLY by the official teaching Magisterium of the One Church to which the Bible was given in the first place. Leaders of the Catholic Church wrote the New Testament. The Catholic Church alone discerned which Church writings would go into the Bible. The Bible was compiled by the Catholic Church alone, of its own writings, under its own authority, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, for its own use, not for any other reason. The mere fact that manmade religious traditions have taken copies of this Catholic book from the Catholic Church which produced it doesn't give them any authority whatsoever to interpret it or teach it. And the fruit of their attempts - thousands of conflicting denominations, each claiming to have the truth, "right out of the Bible" - is proof positive of their lack of ability to interpret it.

"But even then.., some private developments occured. Look at Calvinism--it doesn't get more private or more *wrong* than that!"

A: Why pick on Calvinism? There are more than 20,000 others, each with no more authority than Calvinism. You don't even find the same scriptural interpretations being taught in two Baptist Churches in the same town! But you do find the same truths being taught in a Catholic Church in Boston, San Francisco, Bogota, Paris, Hong Kong, Stockholm, Mombassa, or anywhere else on earth. There are not different versions of truth. Only different versions of untruth.

-- Paul M. (, October 19, 2003.

You've explained it concisely, Paul. Faith is going at just like every other misguided Bible enthusiast. In the Bible or nowhere; a clear case of bibliolatry.

Jesus is seen without equivocation giving His Church authority in the gospel narratives. No one has arrogated that authority out of the blue. It belongs to his Church for the ages. Faith thinks it belongs to her/him; as a ''bright'' scholar. Rev. Jim Jones thought it belonged to him!

So did Oral Rbts; who bamboozled thousands by claiming to see a 900 foot ''Jesus'' who told him: Unless his flock raised a hundred gazillion dollars for a pet project, Jesus would make O.R. die right away! ! ! A great ''Bible Christian.'' --Ha ha! Hold on, Faith. Your wisdom is soon getting around to that level; just keep believing your own spiel.

-- eugene c. chavez (, October 19, 2003.

Uh......"Elmer Gantry"??? I thought he was a fictional character. Really, Elmer Gantry?




-- rod (, October 19, 2003.

We allow the kind of remarks you make; and some are quite ridiculous. There's an old saying; If you can't stand the heat, what are you doing in the kitchen? I AM offering honest discussion. You just have no answers. As to our Church's troubles; Just start another thread; we'll discuss them honestly too.

It's very apparent from the things you keep saying that you feel all religions are off the mark.

That's a subjective and totally biased view. I myself feel we are in an era very well prophesied by Our Saviour; nothing is happening to alter His divine Will for the Church. He allowed that scandals would surely come. He stated quite plainly, in Revalations; the ones who persevere to the end will triumph and have life. He was referring to that faith; our Catholic faith. She most certainly is not off the mark!

-- eugene c. chavez (, October 19, 2003.

"Trouble" is not the issue. Trouble is part of being human. So is sin. Jesus told His Church there would be plenty of trouble. TRUTH is the issue. Either you have the fullness of truth or you don't. A system of thousands of conflicting manmade sects obviously doesn't.

By saying that all "religions" are off the mark, I assume you mean all organized churches? Denominations? In which case, it is apparently your contention that GROUPS of people working, studying and praying together are LESS likely to discern the truth than solitary individuals doing the same thing ALONE? I wonder then why Jesus founded a Church. I wonder why Paul emphasized the Body as the necessary environment for spiritual growth and understanding? I wonder why Jesus said "whenever two or more of you gather TOGETHER in my name, I am there in your midst". I wonder why He DIDN'T say "whenever one of you reads the Bible alone, I am there guiding you to the truth". But then, if He was we wouldn't have thousands of bickering denominations based on conflicting personal interpretations of the Bible.

-- Paul M. (, October 19, 2003.

True ... but they were all Catholic, and therefore all ONE Church.

-- Paul M. (, October 19, 2003.

Christ didn't found ''plenty of churches.'' All He founded is alive and still holy to this day. All He founded was the church of the apostles under Peter. The Catholic Church. That's PLENTY.

-- eugene c. chavez (, October 19, 2003.

Shalom Rod,

Jake is only partially correct because a ruling really only effects the Holy Name written in the original Hebrew. Yet the rabbis later extended this to words that also represent this Name of G-d because they did not wish people to forget His Holiness because they are now using a generic term. So why it so important to remember the Holiness of His Name? We believe this was because His Name is Holy as He is Holy and we are to be holy as He is Holy, therefore as His Name is Holy we too are called to be holy. This why suspect James (a Jew) wrote to the Gentiles:

"With it (our tongue) we bless the L-rd and Father, and with it the likeness of G-d. From the same mouth come blessed and curse. My brethren, this ought not to be so." Jm.3.9-10

Therefore when we personally write that term "G-d", taking that extra effort to put in that dash (requiring us to use the shift key) should remind us that He is Holy and in turn we should be holy. And part of being holy is to remember not to judge your brothers whose heart we do not know, and who are made in His Image; nor should we stand by quietly as they are being attacked.

So why do we not extend this to Yeshua's (Jesus') Name, or the Holy Mother or saints whose names are also Holy (according to the Catechism)? Well, the reason we don't is because we never deemed Yeshua's (Jesus') Name as common (Jesus, yes; Yeshua, never seen it otherwise) as G-d and L-rd can be, which we have encountered Muslims, pagans and other cults who write god, but they do not all mean our G- d. Also we try never use "Mary" alone or even a saint's name. Therefore we always think as we write these names of their holiness without the need of that dash.

Hope this explains why and what we are doing.

Shalom, C & C

-- C.Foegen (, October 20, 2003.

I experienced what Daniel felt about 3 times so far.

God started calling since October. 1986 , first indirectly, then, finally directly in 2000.

-- Elpidio Gonzalez (, October 29, 2003.

I too believe God directs our life in a way He wants but we have to listen to the inner voice. In the past 42 years I have experienced it. I was born and brought up in beautiful Andaman and Nicobar Islands and never thought to come to Delhi but I believe God directed my life in such a way and enabled me to have a job in Delhi. I never studied science/medicine after matriculation but before five years I became a naturopath as well. I think one has to continue to seek guidence from God by means of prayers to understand the will of God.

-- Dr.Vincent Barla (, November 05, 2003.

About the question:

you know my opinion !!

Gi'me proof of existence !!

Salut & cheers from a NON BELIEVER:

-- Laurent LUG (.@...), November 06, 2003.

Hi Laurent.

Why do I get the feeling that if proof came down and hit you like a ton of bricks, you still wouldn't accept it as proof, but would instead rationalize it out of existence?

Maybe, it is only a matter of time and experience before you start to accept things as "proof"? One day you will find a wife (proof), you will have children (proof), have grandchildren (proof), and after all of that living you will die (the proof you need). Don't wait until the last possible second to accept what has been in front of you all of your life. Make the effort to accept a little at a time until the flood gates open and your faith becomes your "proof".

rod rod

-- rod (, November 06, 2003.


About 3 years ago, I use to have doubts about things and had many questions about existance, etc. I was going down a path in life that lead no where. This path was damaging to myself and to my family. After a year of black shadows of fear without having God to protect me with my thoughts, I asked God to help me and to forgive me. I wanted Him back in my life and to lead me to salvation. I immediately surrounded myself with pictures of Christ and anything that had the word God on it. After a week, I started to feel better, but wasn't quit where I wanted to be. God lead me to the Christians Single web site and from there I was contacted by a guy in Michigan that wanted to help me. He knew someone minutes from where I lived in Georgia and within a week I attended her church where I was openly saved by God. After that major event in my life, I never went back to the church and lost contact with the guy in Michigan. God lead me to where I needed to be in order to be saved. God is giving me time to heal from problems I just discovered in my life that stemed from my childhood with abuse and is giving me the time I need in order to fully serve Him. I feel that He is calling me to help those that are in need by counseling them and getting them out of abusive situations and into a positive state of mind by following the word of God. I found a Christian university to attend and will be transfering my studies for the summer of 2004. You know you have been called by God when you are in need of help and you ask for His help. He will guide you in the direction to better yourself, but you must decide to follow Him in order to seek happiness and completeness. I am far from being an expert in reading the Bible, but due to my experience I do know that God exists and there is PROOF if you open your heart to Him. A good book to read is The Dream Giver. You can find that at your local christian book store. I hope you will open your heart to God and let Him lead you to your destiny in life.

-- Stephanie (, December 28, 2003.

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