I'm sick of this SHIT...............!!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Some people ask these stupid ass questions saying where to get anime with no Kazzaa, Bittorrent, or Mirc....

First of all i'm sick of trying to help poeple who are so dam picky... maybe ur problem is bittorrent dont work on ur computer ....i can understand that

buts stuff like kazza is too slow.....o well if it takes a long time to download..would u rather waste time or alot of money for anime???

AND MIRC....dont be a lazy ass and learn it....MIRC works for everyone..... and plus MIRC is one of the best program to use to get anime...dont be a lazy ass bum... learn how to use Mirc cuase it's hella good.

if u dont want to spend time on learning how to use programs to download anime like MIRC..then dont ask for anime...if ur not devoted to prep up for getting stuff =,,dont get it at all

one more thing...ABOUT half the anime everyone downloads at whatever connection is transfering at 3-7 k persecond anyway....

dont be lazy

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2003



-- Anonymous, October 20, 2003

I agree, for the most part, things like bittorrent and kazaa, unless for a good reason, people should use... unless they don't want to watch the anime at all cuz sometimes it's the best place to find it, or only place. BUT for Mirc, it's hard to learn how to use :P lol, took me a LONG time to figure out, so I can understand people not wating to use it/learn it... I avoid it if possible :P

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2003

Bittorent=Fair (Lots of give and take)

MIRC=Good (Big learning curve for some)

Kazaa=OK (Not enough sharing)

HTTP=Best (Hard to find)

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2003

Mirc is not hard to learn, it took me under an hour to learn it.

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2003

I'm at uni (student housing), and they block everything but http. So I need it.

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2003

my father is anti- kazaa. He wont let me get it and if I install anyother P2p program he'll nag me and I'd rather not have to listen to his nagging.

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2003

Brain Lee do you know where to get naruto with no kazaa, Bittorrent, Mirc ot http..in otherwords, can you buy me one and send it by mail....just kidding hehe

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2003

yeah Brain me too, help me to find a site where to get any anime with no Kazzaa, Bittorrent, MIRC or HTTP please. i know you have some sites so help me

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2003

same here ^_^

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2003

Brain just summarize the feelings I have toward people who wants instantaneous fast http downloads. All anime leechers should take a course on webserver management so they can see how costly it is to host video files on websites.

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2003

could someone tell me where some http sites are for anime?

-- Anonymous, October 20, 2003

He he, I don't mind to pay you $100 if you can help my PC work with mIRC, KaZza, eDonkey, Bittorent, DC++,... :) Because I'm working on LAN with proxy within. So maybe the others have the same problems with me. Don't blame them for it!

-- Anonymous, October 21, 2003

You left out the fastest way to get anime: newsgroups. That could possibly be the biggest learning curve of all, but it has the best variety and speeds of the lot (usually)

Mirc is relatively easy if u know 1 or chans and ask the people inside for help. Most are very helpful. I learnt mirc within a 3 day period but still, that was only the basics.

kazaa is not worth it for vid files simply because it hogs a lot of bandwidth and also people dun share.

Bittorrent is the most hassle free (particularly with supernova.org and anime-suki.com, not to mention all the fansub sites with bt links)

When you face a problem with not being able to use the above methods, there are several things you can do: 1) live with it (not my recommendation) 2) find an alternative 3) work around the protections

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003

I REALLY DON'T CARE if my download is SLOW or FAST by either bittorrent or kazaa ASS LONG ASS it's FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..PUT this in your mind people ..it's freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003

Newsgroup usually requires a monthly fee for access, and how good it is is dependent on which one you can access.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003

Whereas irc is free free free and most fansubbers release stuff on irc first. And while you leech off the bots, you can stay in the channel and obsess over your favourite anime with a hundred other fans. Or just ignore them if they turn out to be idiots, as is sometimes the case.

-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003

In order of best method of downloading:

Bittorrent - for everything movies, music, anime, manga 'cause the speed is really fast. Sometimes exceeds 100kb/s for me.

Kazzaa - mp3 files, video clips, anime, some softwares. Can be really fast sometimes

Edonkey or Overnet - has virtually everything, you name it.i experienced edonkey and the files will get done in time...like a day or so, but very slow in the beginning because of queues.

then lastly Google search or Mirc

tis my opinion. So Bittorrent is the best.

-- Anonymous, October 24, 2003

Kazaa: very fast but at the end your PC become VERY SLOWWW and fucked up as soon as you finish downloading.

MIRC: nice BUT you need to look and search and learn and big for others to have a connection. at the end you MIGHT have a complete anime. well depends on how good are you

HTTP: it's goood but you need to know sites.

BITTORRENT: IS DA BEST.. slow sometimes but at the end your hintai movie is finished and your PC is unharmed. =)

-- Anonymous, October 24, 2003

Hey kazaa or wat ever can down load 1 episode of anime in 9 hrs ^.^

-- Anonymous, October 25, 2003

My opinion on anime leeching methods:

kazaa/k++ - good if the files are common, but it's impossible to find rare or classic animes there.

irc - it's one of my favorite tool for leeching, the learning curve is slightly higher than p2p programs such as emule or winmx because only the addons and not the irc client themselves have filesharing functions such as mirc. The problem itself is finding the server and the channel address. I've complied a

bt - it really depends on popularity, there are millions of bt sites but only the noteworthy ones such as animesuki or a.scarywater.net will ever have enough peers and seeds for you to complete a download. You can go to some random bt site that doesn't belong to a fansubbing group or a site no one knows and try downloading, I can guaranteed you it won't work. For the ones that do work tho it's pretty nice since it can fix corrupted files

http - it's a rarity nowadays to find websites that host anime, it takes an extremely large sum of money to store big video files and letting people download from it. The quality is at best sloppy, at worst so god damn awful that you hear jumping japanese audio with a 200*100 res to let you see subtitles. It's called hyper [b]text[/b] transfer protocol, get a clue.

ftp - Another good way to get anime, but you'll need the ftp host to tell you the address because leechers will probably not tell you for the lack of send slots available.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2003

don't flame in the first place if you can't even spell KAZAA right. for all we know, you're also as shitty as the ones you gripe about.

-- Anonymous, October 27, 2003

kazza is gay

-- Anonymous, November 10, 2003

youre all fuckin gaye... dc++ enuff said morons!

-- Anonymous, November 22, 2003

DC++? Tell me 'bout it. Is it fast to download? Once I download an Anime called Macross Zero OVA 1 and 2 at Kazaa++. And I'd finished downloading both in a half hour. For the first time this was the fasted download i ever had at Kazaa++. But anyways for other anime is friggin slow again. I know Kazaa, Bitorrent and Mirc. But what is DC++? Is it new? And is it better? Tell me about it.

-- Anonymous, November 22, 2003

DC++ is the same as klite except you have to find a hub address first (or get a hub list from google search) and you have to share a definite amount of bytes in order to leech. I can't tell you how good it is compared to bittorrent and mirc because I use the UCLA hub to d/l from DC++, but a program that forces people to share is well worth evaluating.

-- Anonymous, November 22, 2003

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