I am looking for Yami No Matsui episodes on the IRC (eps 5,8,9,11) I'm willing to trade on AIM!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I already found episodes 1-4,6-7,10,12-13 on the IRC...I am willing to trade episodes if u could send them to me through AIM (I am on a LAN that won't let me go on Kazaa, but the IRC is just fine) I wouldn't mind being given a good IRC channel that serves yaoi and shounen ai anime ;)I have Ranma (Seasons 1,3,4 and OVA) Gravitation (TV and OVA) DNAngel (1-7,9-10,15-26) (1,15 and 21 are low quality)
-- Anonymous, October 21, 2003