DNANGEL tite shituffgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
DNAngel cd comes out today does anyone know where i can get the song futatsu no negai on it? id buy the cd but if anyone knows if there is anywhere i can just dl this song you can help a poor boy save some money to help him go to college
-- Anonymous, October 22, 2003
Hmm...http://www.shadabadanime.net/index2.htm have that song, but I'm not sure if the link still works. Oh. It's not the full version, though. You just have to go under dl DNAngel Episodes to find it. If the link doesn't work and you really want the song badly (although you know it's not the full version), you can email me and I'll upload the song onto yahoogroups.
-- Anonymous, October 23, 2003
I just recently found this site...I am downloading to whole CD so I can get the Vocal Collection...well not all...http://www.ice-demon.net/tenshi/home.html
-- Anonymous, November 25, 2003