CoG passenger car colors : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I am disabled and I like to draw passenger trains. I have had no luck finding info on CoG passenger car colors. I did find a few photos of some EMD E units done in the silver/orange/indigo.

Can you please describe or send color photos of the passenger cars that would have been pulled by these beautiful E units?

Thanks very much,

Tom Pullum

-- Tom Pullum (, October 23, 2003


Well, they stripped the links... let me try again... _GREEN.gif

-- Jerry M. LaBoda (, October 23, 2003.


I have done some drawings (sorry, not to scale) that will at least give you some idea of what the colors of the cars were. It should be noted that the Central of Georgia had some cars in Illinois Central colors for use on the City of Miami and Seminole while having different colors over the years for other trains, and the line itself went from its original blue and gray to Pullman green and gold (before the Southern Railway acquired the line).

Here are the links to the drawings... you may have to "copy" and "paste" the links to your address bar...

-- Jerry M. LaBoda (, October 23, 2003.

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