Inuyasha PETITION : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

IF you haven't already, go to and sign the petition to get cartoonNetwork to speed up the translating and showing of new episodes. You get to sign your name and give a message. Check it out so that we can all see new episodes.

-- Anonymous, October 23, 2003



-- Anonymous, October 23, 2003

i signed!!!!!!! good luck i hope it works!!!! ^_^

-- Anonymous, October 24, 2003

I signed it and they better deliver. I mean I missed some eps and I need to record them too. But but but I want to see what happens to inuyasha and kagome. Inuyasha Marry me!!

-- Anonymous, November 10, 2003

To do that viz would have to license the whole series, which means no more fansubbing. For those that is up-to-date on the series it is not a good thing.

-- Anonymous, November 10, 2003

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