Has anyone seen the Inuyasha movies?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I just wondered what happens. I saw a pic of the second one, ( inuyasha and kagome were kissing! /:() ) Can anyone tell me or direct me to a website?
-- Anonymous, October 23, 2003
i just can tell you the website to search inuyasha wallpapers.and sorry if my english is bad
-- Anonymous, October 23, 2003
arnt ypu just peed off that no one gives you a strait awnser?in the first movie inuyasha says to Kogome = 'I need you' in the second they Kogome kisses Inuyasha to stop him from becoming a full yoki.
-- Anonymous, October 24, 2003
OOOOOOOOO!!! Do tell me more! What was the Website?
-- Anonymous, October 24, 2003
You can go to http://geocities.com/sinmay13/, enter, click on downloads, and click on Inuyasha 2nd movie. It's not the greatest quality and some of the subtitles are hard to read, but its better than nothing ;). Also, its in 18 5 minute clips, so you have to DL them all....Good Luck!
-- Anonymous, October 25, 2003
NO i wish i could see them but i dont know where to find em
-- Anonymous, November 02, 2003
You can download it off Kazaa. It's big(716mb), but if you're on broadband, it will not be difficult, seeing as how I got the whole movie in a week using dial-up.
-- Anonymous, November 02, 2003
I no a site where you can download every second of it. It's 669 mbs, though it took me about 8 hours, it was worth it. The images are clearer than tv, seriously. You need to have bittorent first though, http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/download.html. Then go here for the movie http://torrent.anime-kraze.net:6969/. Sometimes it might not work, but it'll be best if you have highspeed internet.
-- Anonymous, November 09, 2003
man i tried the downloading thingy, and IT WONT work on my computer, boy am i pissed, even if it was in japanese and i couldnt read it i wanted to see it! :-( it says that it has no support for the vidio part, and im now really sad that i cant see it, luv kat
-- Anonymous, November 24, 2003