Damn those bastard censorship department of Malaysia

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Man!!! Damn those bastard!! Can u believe that those bastard not only strict(I mean VERY STRICT)in censoring TV programmes!! Including anime, can u belive!!! They censors everything from kissing scene(!!), any anime with "pig" (eg. DBZ-Wuron no big complaint though), magical stuff (magic circles, chants!!!) eg. Cardcaptor Sakura- the whole second season's action packed series was TURN INTO a DRAMA of romance Sakura and Syaoran!!!! Can you believe that!!! Man!!! How I wish I have never live in this country!! Downloading anime is my only other way of satisfying my thirst for anime but with a 56Kbps connection, it will took forever!!!! Damn those bastard, idiot, stupid bonehead, bloody idiot!!!!!

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2003


They have their reasons. So they censor a little anime, big deal. There are lots of places in the world where they don't even KNOW what anime is and wouldn't know a modem if it bit them on the nose. Stop whining!

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2003

controller j, you're just saying that because its not happening to you. dont act like you know how it feels by stating people that has it worse. i hate idiots that always bring up shit about how people got it worse. you dont know how it feels to have nothing so you cant say anything. im sure if youre forced to watch anime that is extremely censored you would feel the same way too. hell, most of you on here complain day and night about cartoon network taking out all the good stuff.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2003

My point was that you're a spoilt brat who doesn't know when you have it good, and you just proved me right.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2003

If I can't d/l anime and am forced to watch those so-called 'anime' on kids wb, I would change hobbies.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2003

Oh, go get broadband for godsakes!!! I'm also staying in Malaysia Unlucky as it is, I'm not complainin. It doesn't get you anywhere. Just DO something about it.

-- Anonymous, October 30, 2003

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