IRC port 59 : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Does anyone know why I get this message whenever I use certain triggers on irc: This server is using an alternate server method, please make sure your DCC Server is active and set to port 59. /dccserver +sc on 59. If anyone could tell me how I am supposed to set it to that port I would be really grateful.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2003


Port 59 is a private channel for file transferring. Some ppl say it's firewall/router issues, it could be fixed but the time it takes to do it is probably not worth it.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2003

To set it to port 59, just type "/dccserver +sc on 59" without the quotes in the channel window. This will usually get around the problem. If it doesn't, either pm the owner (warning: not everyone likes getting pmed) or move on to another fserv.

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2003

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