Need to find two DNAngel songs- Caged Bird and unknown : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Okay- I've been looking for two certain songs from the DNAngel episodes for a while now. One, Caged Bird, sung by (I think) Miyamoto Shunichi, from episode 24, and another which I don't know the name of, which appears as background music in episode 4 when Krad first appears. If anyone knows of where I can download these, or can send them to me (over email, MSN messenger or Yahoo IM), I'd be grateful. Also, can anyone tell me the name of the song that plays behind Krad's first appearance? Thanks- - Sez

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2003


Here's the link to caged bird: _Caged_Bird.mp3

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2003

Thanks, but... well... the link doesn't work for me. Is it just me, or is the url not working for everyone else too?

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2003

Ahh- it's working now. Does anyone know how to download it from the site onto my computer? I can't save or download the source, and the main site is closed...

-- Anonymous, October 30, 2003

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