alliance and Lecister/JDL Holdings : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

Once again the plot thickens with my saga with the a&l and JDL. I am now soley corresponding with the A&L,however the last letter they sent left me in total amazement,They claim the reason the house was undersold was that it was built on a disused mine,the area was offically contaminated,risk of Radon gas,smells from a local abatior(of which i didnt smell and it was miles away)disused central heating boiler and poor state of repair.My question was if all this was true ,how on arth did I get a mortgage from them in the first place.It is total fabrication.Any advice on where do I go from here,would be very welcome David A

-- David A (, October 31, 2003



I know you were in contact with your MP, I think it would be a good idea to take this Radon/disused mine business up with him/her. As I understand it ALLIANCE & LEICESTER should have found out about this when a survey was carried out, have you got any documention relating to the survey ? As you say how on earth did you get a mortgage in the first place. How many more people could this happen to ?? Why have they left it so long before dragging this out ? It might be an idea for your MP to link up with Mike Hancock with the view to raising a new EDM - Lenders still trying to force settlements on debts which they will not properly substantiate. I would also consider taking this to the National Press as well.

-- (, November 03, 2003.


I know you were in contact with your MP, I think it would be a good idea to take this Radon/disused mine business up with him/her. As I understand it ALLIANCE & LEICESTER should have found out about this when a survey was carried out, have you got any documention relating to the survey ? As you say how on earth did you get a mortgage in the first place. How many more people could this happen to ?? Why have they left it so long before dragging this out ? It might be an idea for your MP to link up with Mike Hancock with the view to raising a new EDM - Lenders still trying to force settlements on debts which they will not properly substantiate. I would also consider taking this to the National Press as well.


-- M Amos (, November 03, 2003.

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