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If anyone can point me in the right direction to find the written work by Sebastian Tromp entitled, "De Ecclesia", I might be able to save the few hairs I have left on my head. I believe I have found this work in Latin and his native German, but if anyone can tell me where an English translated version can be found, it would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

-- John Aitken (, October 31, 2003



-- - (.@.....), October 31, 2003.

Hi John I presume youre a scot and Celtic supporter, Ive been living with a group of Scots from Glasglow . Mad as snakes but great fun we just watched Scotland beat Fiji in the Rugby uch to my dissapointment! ANyway I digress, I had a quick search on the net and couldnt find anything much either. I suggest you ring a Catholic theological college library in NY and see if they can help, or you could try e-mailing this group which specialises in preserving and selling hard to find Christian texts.

Ill give you one page that I turned up that is a translated Bio of ebastian Tromp and publishing list which might possibly be useful in some way.

Sorry, Good Luck!

TROMP, Sebastian Kornelius Petrus: Jesuit, Latinist, theologian, *

16.3. 1889 in Beek b. Ubbergen? 8.2. 1975 in Rome. - as a first son of Kornelius Gerhard Tromp, a Dutch teacher, and Maria Katherina Loerper born. The nut/mother originates from a German family emigrated in the culture fight. After the Abitur 1907 T. occurs with the Jesuiten and studies after the Noviziat first Rhetorik in Mariendaal, then he completes the Triennium in philosophy in Oudenbosch and he for the study of the old languages to Amsterdam is finally sent. Excellent Latinist, excited its 1921 published doctor work "De romanorum piaculis", to the victim term with the Romans, large attention. Here one sees for the first time its large knowledge in the classical literature, in addition, his ability to the analysis and to clear definitions. 1922 it is geweiht to the priest and 1926 locks it in Rome its theological - philosophical studies to the Gregoriana. In Maastricht it, after it had already given latin and Greek instruction during its student time, doziert three years - to 1929 fundamental theology. In the same year it will appoint Ekklesiologie to Rome and reads until 1962 above all the treatises over inspiration and revealing, later also. The Gregoriana will become it up to its death the homeland. With its students because of the clarity of its lectures and its humor popular, he led nearly 100 graduations. Hervoragender connoisseur of the Greek and latin Patristik, he was occupied however for the 30's particularly with Robert Bellarmin, which he felt mentally connected time life. In 11 volumes and different article publishes he the lectures of the controversial theologian and some other unpublished manuscript Bell arm in. - in the first years of its stay to the Gregoriana arranges it also the works of the "Roman school", the deduction prominent theologians, who led to Ith Vatikani council, the Jesuiten Passaglia and Schrader. In the church teachings, he implements the theory of these two predecessors. It stated in all its works, the church is a none, the Mysti body Christi, the catholic church. Its four-restrains Ekklesiologie (1937 1972) experiences by the Enzyklika Pius XII., Mystici Corporis (1943) an trainingofficial confirmation. Also the Enzykliken Mediator Dei and Humani Generis , is - in which extent is not yet well-known - under the cooperation Tromps developed, which became apart from its activity as scientists and a lecturer already 1936 Consultor of the holy Offiziums and in addition member of the papal academy for theology was. In its activity for the holy Offizium it traveled in the 50's as Visitator both to Holland, to the catholic University of Njmwegen, and after beautiful place. These orders did not make it liked particularly in Holland. It became corresponding member of the Dutch Academy of Sciences nevertheless. - at a time, in which others withdraw themselves into the earned retirement, Pope Johannes XXIII appointed it. 1960 to the secretary of the most important commission of the IITH Vatikani council, the theological one. Here Tromp works until 1966 and gives over it in detail to its hand written latin diaries report. Thus it opens an extremely valuable source to the researchers for the study of the last council. Thereby also that becomes outer measure of its influence on many important expressions and text versions of the constitutions of this council admits. - Tromp gives certification of large knowledge, of clarity and honesty, from faith and obedience with its diary and his life's work, above all however from large love to the church and for the truth. Also of many its estimated, he applies for theological opponents too wrongly in some council literature as a plotter, maliciously and on school theology reinforced. After the council it did not try to lend weight with the help of the public of its position, because it was the opinion that it would not serve thereby the church. It relied on the fact that by the opening of archives the historians would find the truth about the council and its working.

Works (selection):

De Romanorum piaculis, suffering 1921; De Sacrae Scripturae inspiratione, Romae 1930, 1962 6 ; De nativitate Ecclesiae ex Corde Iesu in Cruce, Roma 1932; Actio Catholica in Corpore Christi, Roma 1936; Corpus Christi quod est Ecclesia, Romae 1937, [ English expenditure corpus Christi quod est Ecclesia, New York 1960 ]; De revelatione Christian IANA, Romae 1929, 1950 6 ; Doctrina S. Roberti Card. Bellarmini de assumptione B. Mariae Virginis in coelum, Roma 1951.

Article in Gregorianum (selection): "I.De Ecclesia Christi corpore", 13, 177-210; "II. De actione catholica in corpore Christi ", 13, 321- 372; "De nativitate Ecclesiae ex Corde Iesu in Cruce", 13, 489- 527; "Tractatus S. Roberti Bellarmini iuvenis de praedestinatione. Introductio et edito autograph ", 14, 248-268; "Progressus doctrinalis in tractatibus S. Roberti Bellarmini de praedestinatione. Inquisitiones criticae et comparative ", 14, 313-355, "De Bellarmini indice haereticorum Treviris reperto", 15, 187-214, "Quaestiunculae Bellarminianae", 15, 439-442; "Conspectus chronologicus praelectionum quas habuit S. Robertus Bellarminus in Collegio S. Ith Lovaniensi et Collegio Romano", 16, 97-105, "Ecclesia Sponsa Virgo mould", 18, 3- 29; "S. Roberto Bellarminus et Beata Virgo", 21, 161-182; "De Sancti Roberti Bellarmini Contionibus Lovaniensibus", 21, 383-412; "De" Explanatione "et" Explanationibus "S.R. Bellarmini in Epistolas Paulinas", 22, 353-379; "De biformi conceptu cum Christi mystici tum Corporis Christi mystici in Controversiis S.R. Bellarmini", 23, 279- 290; "De DUA bus editionibus Concilii Tridentini", 38, 51-96; "De manuscriptis acta et declarationes antiquas S. Congregationis Conc. Trid. continentibus ", 38, 481-502; 39, 93-129; "" Caput influit sensum et motum". Col. 2,19 Eph. 4, 16 et into luce traditionis ", 39, 353-366; "pro by Fagnanus Boni", 39, 770-772; "De primis secretariis S. Congregationis Concilii", 40, 523-531; "Quomodo verb sese conformet Corpori Ecclesiae", 41, 451-466; "De futuro Concilio Vaticano II", 43, 5-11.

Publisher: Bellarmino, R. Liber de locis COMM university bus continens Tractatum primum de R. Pontifice, Romae 1935; identification, Opera oratoria postuma, Romae 1942-1969; Pius PP. XII, Allocutiones of tres ad S. Romanam Rotam habitae a.D. 1941, 1942, 1944, Romae 1944.

Lit.: J.N. Bakhuizen van the Brink, "Sebastianus Cornelius Petrus Tromp", in Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, (1975) 1-6 [ "Discorso in memoria del R.P. Sebastiano Tromp", Gregorianum 57 (1976), 365-372 ]; - M. COLPO, "P. Sebastianus Tromp", AHSI 44 (1975) 420; - J.T.P. Barten, "S. Tromp", in biographically Woordenboek van Nederland, I, La Haye 1979, 594s.; - Baudry, G.H., "Tromp", in Catholicisme, 15, 369f.; - F.J. Niemann, Jesus as faith reason in the Fundamenthaltheologie the modern times.

To the genealogy of a treatise, Innsbruck vienna 1983, 24-83, 24-88; - M. Chappin, "Dalla difesa aluminium dialogo. L'insegnamento della teologia fondamentale alla P.U.G., 1930-1988 ", in R. Fisichella (A cura di), Gesł Rivelatore. Teologia fondamentale, Casale M. 1988, 33- 84., S. Alberto, "corpus Suum mystice constituit" (LG 7). La Chiesa Corpo Mistico di Cristo nel Primo Capitolo della "lumen Gentium". Storia del Testo dalla "Mystici Corporis" aluminium Vaticano II con riferimenti alla attivitą conciliare del P. Sebastian Tromp S.J., Regensburg 1996; - LThK 3 Bd. 10, FR. 268 (pc. Alberto); - BWN 1, 594 f.; - A. von Teuffenbach, the meaning subsistit in (LG 8). To the self understanding of the catholic church, Munich 2002; - A. von Teuffenbach, "between the lines shines the love for the church out - the diary recordings of the Jesuiten Sebastian Tromp supply valuable insights to the council years", DT, 56, NR. 2, 8,1,2003, 6. Alexandra of Teuffenbach

-- Kiwi (, November 01, 2003.

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