Kodomo no omocha torrents

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Where can i find the rest of the kodocha seris? after 40 and on... i'm so addicted now that i really want to watch the rest. it would help, thanks so much :D

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2003


itz really impossible to dl em dem u have to buy em, or u can to mIRC channels which to me iz impossible to use either

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2003

yeah. you have to wait for KTP to slowly release the rest of the series, though they've subbed bits and pieces of the other episodes. check up their website for info:


you can go to their channel to get the other files, tho not all are subbed and the quality of the files are quite bad - mostly in .rm format (the ones which have been released in torrents so far are the only high-quality subbed episodes they have.)

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2003

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