Is there any problem in reverse the suspension ? : LUSENET : Elevator Problem Discussion : One Thread |
If we hang the car to the diverting pully and the cownterweight to the sheave ( reverse as usual ) is there any possible problem ( in traction force for example)
-- Fadi Raslan (, November 02, 2003
-- dayle (, November 02, 2003.
If the system can take the static and dynamic loads associated with the arrangement, you might be ok. But since there will likely be a larger load imposed on the deflector sheave (the counterweight is a fixed weight, whereas the car can be heavier than the counterweight) than normal, I would suggest that you hire a competent engineer to do the calc's and make recommendations if necessary. Hate to get a cracked sheave, worn-out bearings, or other mischief due to overloading or other inintentional consequences.
-- Steve (, November 02, 2003.
No, i have experienced so many projects with your mentioned arrangement, and there would be no problems for them. but as the same case for the conventional cases-diverting pully on the CWT side, we should always design the shafts and the bearings precisly.
-- Ali S. Ghasemi (, November 10, 2003.