
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

One of the biggest differences for me is how the EO seems to be divided based on nationalistic lines. Every church I've ever looked into is Serbian Orthodox or Greek, Romanian, etc. etc. So that if you are not of that nationalistic persuasion it creates some discomfort. Someone once said there is an American Orthodox Church, however, I have never seen one. I like the Orthodox Church. The people are genuinely nice. I have had all of my questions answered by the orthodox, and they are extremely kind, and welcoming. They also want to dispell any myths regarding their faith such as the post above. Orthodox is a small community, much less than the RCC, in fact you can find a website called, Orthodoxy the Narrow Path.

-- bocetA FEDIDA (XL@OPERA.COM), November 02, 2003


Response to One of the biggest differences for me isd baser lookedRomanian, etc. etc. So that if you aralistic persuasion it creates some discomfort. Someone once said there is an American Orthodox Church, however, I have never seen one. I like the Orthodox Church. The people are genuinely nice. I have had all of my questions answered by the orthodox, and they are extremely kind, and welcoming. They also want to dispell any myths regarding their faith such as the post above. Orthodox is a small community, much less than the RCC, in fact you can find a website called, Orthodoxy the Narrow Path.

Does this thread belong on a Catholic discussion forum?

-- (Misplaced@Threads.com), November 03, 2003.

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