Excelsior District

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

What is the history behind the excelsior district and how it got its name?

-- Lisa Laudman (lisalaudeman@sbcglobal.net), November 03, 2003


Louis K Loewenstein writes,"The greek word means "more lofty" or "more elevate. An appropriate term for the neighborhood that leads to McLaren Park."

The neighborhood was part of the the Exclesior Homestead which laid out the streets in the late 1860s. The uphill street were countries and the cross streets were cities. Excelsior was China and Avalon was Japan and Peru was India. The change was made for political correctness in the 1870s.

The neighborhood was the last stronghold of nurserymen/small produce farmers-- principally from Italy.

Good luck in your research.

-- Kurt Iversen (iversenk@aol.com), November 04, 2003.

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