question..of a song...if you tell me..thank you very much....this is about naruto.. : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

uhm..does anybody know what the new beginning theme and ending theme in naruto 54-57 so called?



-- Anonymous, November 08, 2003


Its Crap

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2003

Just because you think it is crap, doesn't mean other people don't like it. If you don't like it that is fine, but don't tell others how to think, they can make their own judgements, this person was asking for answers, not opinions.

As to the question: The opening is "Kanashimi wo Yasashisa" by "Little by Little" and the ending is "Viva Rock ~Japanese Version~" by "Orange Range."

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2003

actually the end is [japanese side] the album is viva rock and there are 3 different versions of it on the single. the new intro is only avaliable as the crappy 1:30 length because the actual band hasent put out the single yet (THANKS a lot sony! -,-) it is in the "now printing" process and looks like it is gonna be put out dec.17 so it's a long wait. If you want either songs (full orange range, tv size little by little) I can send them to you just eMail me k? laters °Hiryu

-- Anonymous, November 18, 2003

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