Looking for a translator

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Hey to all those who want to be part of something BIG!!

Our Anime fansubbing group is searching for translators.

We have many excellent projects lined up such as Maburaho, Weiß Kreuz Glühen, Saint Beast,and Bronze/Cathexis.

Requirements: *You must show knowledge of both the Japanese and English languages *You must pass a translation test of one episode to be judged by our QC specialist *You must be a team player(i.e. follow through on your work) *Fairly quick turnaround, we want to be able to produce quality fansubs for the public without having to wait for large amounts of time.

Knowledge of the fansubbing process is reccomended, but if you have none, you can learn on the job. Knowledge of IRC would also help, although if needed we can instruct you on the use of your client.

If you have any questions or would like to apply, contact me at translator@ar-ta.net


-- Anonymous, November 08, 2003

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