Anyone know where to dl Utena eps? and the soundtracks too : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Does anyone know a source for Utena episodes? It's one of the best Animes I have seen, and I am too poor/stingy to buy the dvd's plus I can't find them anywhere... Any help would be good.


-- Anonymous, November 10, 2003


funny someone should bring up utena when i just got around to watching the last 5 episodes. There are some really bad quaility episdoes (about 90 mb each) you can get off kazaa.. that's where i got mine from. Hmmm... i didn't understand the ending, did you? lol, it may have to do with me not watching it for so long then watching the last 5 episdoes after forgetting half the plot, but... yeah... i guess i won't post my random questions cuz they would be spoilers for anyone looking at this thread who hasn't seen the series :P

-- Anonymous, November 11, 2003

I dunno, I heard from my friend at the end of the movie Utena gets turned into a car... O_o

-- Anonymous, November 11, 2003

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