Furi Kuri Songgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
OK, I've recently watched all 6 episodes of Furi Kuri and I LOVE the music in the background, and now The Pillows are my favorite band (Fave singer is still Kageyama Hironobu). I would watch and try to pick up lyrics in the background, write them down, and find stuff that matched similarly on Animelyrics.com. This is how I found the Furi Kuri songs I have no downloaded, including Hybrid Rainbow, One Life, Instant Music, I Think I Can, Funny Bunny, Blues Drive Monster, Little Busters, and Ride on Shooting Star. My 2 faves are Hybrid Rainbow and One Life, but in the final episode I heard another excellent one. I'm not fluent in Japanese, but these are the lyrics I (poorly) interperated as I listened: "Tekita...Sora noshita...Ki no tsuketa...Kashimi wo se mo...Atomune nate...Kakomokae...Sono mimi nate..." This was in the scene where Haruka, Naota, and the eyebrow guy were on the giant iron up until the Hand of Atamisk grabbed the iron, if that helps. There was A LOT of talking over the scene, and it was hard to hear. I've been searching for lyrics for a few weeks now and have found nothing. If anyone can tell me what this song is I'd greatly apreciate it. Ja ne-Suupaa Gohan 2
-- Anonymous, November 11, 2003
havnt watched it a while but since i have all of the songs ill mention the vocal tracks your missing from the list: crazy sunshine, white ash, another morning and Last Dinosaur.
-- Anonymous, November 11, 2003
I'm not sure what the song is. But you can go to http://www.anime.diaspora.ru/ost/ost.shtml?ost=FLCL and listen to the music there and see if it's one of those.
-- Anonymous, November 11, 2003
Thank you very much to those who have answered. Honestly I wasn't expecting a response, and I just got home from a really bad day at school and was very pleased that I got a response. I actually re- watched episode 4 this afternoon and heard the chorus "Cra-zy Sun- shine" in the background, and it was not this. I will try the others that were mentioned, and once again, thank you very much. Itsu ka mata aeru hi made, minna!
-- Anonymous, November 12, 2003
Incase anyone cares, I just figured it was only right to end this question. It was "Last Dinosaur" and I finally got it, thanks to everyone who helped me (two people, but whatever, thanks). This is the song I had been searching for, and I'm quite pleased. The reason I had trouble finding it was because the site I got most of my FLCL music from (freewebs.com/flcladict/music.htm, and that is "adict" with one d, not a typo) listed it as instrumental. Arigatou Gozaimasu, soshite, itsu ka! (Yes, I know I always end in Japanese)
-- Anonymous, November 14, 2003