I dunno if this site will allow the discussion of hentai and such, but I'll ask anyways... Oh, and just a forewarning: I DON'T HAVE KAZAA, MORPHEUS, NAPSTER, OR ANY SUCH DOWNLOADING PROGRAM!! Nor do I want them...the programs fragged my computer. All I can run off of is sites or e-mail downloads of 1.5 MB or less...sorry...First off, does anyone know where/how I can download or purchase the completely uncensored collection of Dragon Pink? (and I mean COMPLETELY uncensored! I know the crud they sell in most stores.)
Second, does anyone know of any Outlaw Star hentai manga? I've seen one in particular, but I don't know the name of it, or if it's just an original work... I think it was called "Cat Walk"... Please notify me of ANY info.
Third...where can I get downloadable (as MP3s) versions of K2G (from Puffy Amiyumi), or any other Puffy songs? I can't find an accurate site anywhere!
Next, where can I get downloadable (as MP3s) versions of the Hyper Police opening "That's Hypertension!" and ending "HOLD UP" songs? I MUST HAVE! Hyper Police rules!
And, uh...last, where can I find a complete list of Gackt songs, including lyrics? I have tons of his songs given to me on CDs, but most of them I don't know the names for.
Wow, hope this wasn't too long, and I hope someone can help me out... (also hope I'm not in any trouble, for some reason... ^_^;)
Ja ne!
-- Anonymous, November 13, 2003
I don't know much about hentai, but let me be the first to tell you that you will not be able to find it for direct download. I know because hentai is porn, which makes it rare to be put for direct download. Since you have to be 18 or older to watch, most people aren't allowed to put them up for download. More Importantly, it is already nearly impossible to download regular anime for direct download. Your only choice would either be kazaa, or irc. I'd go with irc. You'll be able to find all the porn you want, but first you must learn how to use it.
-- Anonymous, November 14, 2003
-_-;...what koolguy said, I'm sure he can help you out with the hentai details. You can find pretty much anything on irc if you know where to look. Anyway, you can find a couple of Gackt lyrics here:
-- Anonymous, November 14, 2003