Dragonball Doujinshii...And Bishounen stuff...Yeah...greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Does N E one know a good place to get Dragonball Z Doujinshii (translated or not, I don't care, I know enough Japanese to get the stories either way...)? Besides Vegetasei, I can never find anywhere that has more than the covers...In particular I like the creators of Golden Lucky and Rythm Red, Beat Black, but I really don't care...I'm makin' my own Doujinshii too and it's actually not half bad! Maybe I'll post somethin' else about that another time...Suupaa Gohan 2 here...Well, any answers would be greatly apreciated.So here's my question-within-a-question (sorta)-Who's yur favorite Bishounen? Not that anyone cares, but here are from my fave animes:
--Dragonball Z-TRUNKS!!!!!!!! And Super Gohan 2's a cute kid, my fave character EVER of ANYTHING EVER and his theme song (Unmei no Hi Tamashii tai Tamashii) is the SADDEST MOST BEAUTIFUL SONG EVER and duh I love him he's only my screen name...but he's not really a Bishounen...I ramble yet again... --Yuu Yuu Hakusho-KURAMA!!!!!! Everyone thinks he's girly and all da Doujinshii make hima dn Hiei a Shounen-ai couple which is WRONG!!!!! He's so hot!!!!! All Anime guys based on animals are hot, but he'd be hot anyway... --Inu Yasha-Hmmmmm....Prob'ly Inu-chan, cuz his cute doggy ears...Kouga's cool too, with the wolf tail...did I mention my thing with animal guys? Also, Sesshoumaru is cool...Sesshy-kun wa kawaii... --Rurouni Kenshin-KENSHIN!!!! DUH!!!! Plus isn't it awesome that he and Kurama have the same Seiyuu (Voice, Ougata Megumi, and she's perfect for 'em both)?! No? Really? I thought it was cool... --Flame of Recca-RECCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However I don't care for the Anime, it doesn't even cover the whole Manga...He's much hotter in da manga too, and sadly he bumped off my long time fave Bishounen (Trunks) off his throne the minute I saw him. --Pocket Monsters-Shut up, Pocket Monsters IS cool. Shigeru is awesome, but I'm sad that his Seiyuu quit so he won't be in Advance Generation ever...I MISS SHIGERU-KUN!!!!!!!!! BRING HIM BACK!!!!!!
Is anyone still reading this?! God, I need to learn when to shut up...Well c'mon, who are the best Bishounen around?
-- Anonymous, November 14, 2003