Yu Yu Hakusho

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

How many box sets are there? I have only seen one saga with 7 DVDs in it. I don't know what other ones are out there.. I think it was the Spirit Detective Saga (this could be the whole season, but I know they have a bunch of sagas, like the tournament....)

Can you tell I've only seen a few episodes?


-- Anonymous, November 15, 2003


well in english, its most likely to be a box set release every 7 dvds. since there is 112 episodes theres gonna be 16, if they do it every 7 dvds. i would suggest buying yuu yuu hakusho in japanese with english subtitles for only 120 and some box sets in japanese with english subs come with all 3 yuu yuu hakusho moviesas well. if thats what you want to do then nextdayanime.com has pretty good deals.


-- Anonymous, November 24, 2003

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