Again, Yu Yu Hakusho Question : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

How many box sets are there? I have only seen one saga with 7 DVDs in it. I don't know what other ones are out there.. I think it was the Spirit Detective Saga (this could be the whole season, but I know they have a bunch of sagas, like the tournament....) Can you tell I've only seen a few episodes?


-- Anonymous, November 16, 2003


don't know how many saga's there are, but i do know it'll end up till 112 episodes..

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2003

I dont know either, but theres the parts like they said in funimation, the spirit detective saga and the dark tournament one. I think theres also the sensui saga and the makai tournament... I remember! *claps one time* somewhere i read that there were 4 seasone of Yu Yu Hakusho.

-- Anonymous, November 26, 2003

Actually there are five-six total box sets. The Spirit Detective saga: eps 1-25, The Dark Tournament Saga: eps 26-66 (this one is split into two box sets, though I'm not sure which eps are in which), The Chapter Black Saga: eps 67-94 (the box set has yet to be released), and The Three Kings Saga: eps 95-112 (they only have up to episode 100 released.) I hope that helped some.

-- Anonymous, January 07, 2005

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