Just starting Kenshin and Samuria X

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Im just starting Kenshin and Samuria X, seen a few episodes on Tv and just watched the Samuria X movie and i think its one of the best animes ive seen so far. Anways looking for good quality episodes / movies of both these animes.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2003


They're both the same series. Samurai X is just a Prequil that waas made to explain Kenshin's Past before the begining of the series and the movie was to add more closer to the series and the OVA's.

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2003

so.... which one do we watch first...?


-- Anonymous, November 16, 2003

ya i no there both the same, but i was looking to download them since i know very little about them.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2003

errr... isn't Samuria X just the English title given to the tv series Rurouni Kenshin?

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2003

Um no it ain't

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2003

The Kenshin series is 95 episodes long. The 4 OVA's("Trust", and "Betrayal")takes place 10+ years before the Tv series, and the last 2 OVA's("Seisouhen" or "Reflection" in english)takes place couple years after the series. The movie goes somewhere after the Shishio saga. Hope that helps.

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2003

but.... what do we watch first...? ((Do you learn about his past AFTER u see his present [rurouni then samurai] or watch samurai then rurouni.... I've never been so confused lol))


-- Anonymous, November 17, 2003

well i dont know which you should watch 1st i just want to watch so plz give me sites to watch are download videos

-- Anonymous, November 17, 2003

Watch the 4 Ova first. I thought you would understand from my description.

-- Anonymous, November 18, 2003

But now I got OVA 1 to 6. and i find some clip call Samuria X i'm not sure which one should i download is it the same? give me the answer and i'll tell you how can you get all eps

-- Anonymous, November 22, 2003

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