IY eng. dub voice question.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

In inuyasha's dubbed episodes which IY character's voice sounds the worst and which one sounds best?

BEST: Miroku

WORST: Naraku and Kouga

Just my oppinion whats yours?

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2003


I always forget to watch the dub... canada doesn't even have up to Miroku, out of what I've hear I think... AKde is horrible, lol... or that could just be the way she talks...

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2003

oops.. I ment Kaede

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2003

Miroku needs some Sango love... And Dog-boy needs to not be misleading Kagome ALL the time.

-- Anonymous, November 20, 2003

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