Hey Supa Gohan 2...greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
R U hot? Im wondering cause all the stuff u post is really cool and you are very opininated so r u hot or what?
-- Anonymous, November 21, 2003
And how does this relate to anime?
-- Anonymous, November 21, 2003
Eeeeeeewwwww...Creepy stranger stalking me...Well let me tell you something-why don't YOU fuck off because if I'm hot or not is none of YOUR buisness. DON'T FOLLOW ME ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, November 21, 2003
WTF?! WUAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!! Go to a date site or something. U probably find a hot chick right there. But fuk it, cuz i want to no it too. So Supa Gohan 2, R U Hot? I bet u are hotter then mr. Popo!! WWWUUUUAAAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAH!! Nah.. i'm joking. Just playin wit ya.JESSICA ALBA IS HOT!!!!
-- Anonymous, November 22, 2003
You had me going for a minute too!!! But it's "SUUPAA", not Supa...Cuz I ain't "Sour Gohan 2"...
-- Anonymous, November 22, 2003
LOL! Itz Supaaahhhhh Gohanna Twoooooooo!
-- Anonymous, November 22, 2003