anti-leech and netpumper : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I'm actually looking for sites that i can use these two things on. they make downloads go by so fast. i got all of naruto and gundam wing in a few hours on dbz-media. if you know any other sites with anti-leech or netpumper downloads...please let me know.

-- Anonymous, November 24, 2003


What exactly is anti-leech and netpumper? All I remember was anti- leech is suppose to help the webmaster save bandwidth and netpumper is just an addon, I've never heard of it speeding up download.

-- Anonymous, November 24, 2003

it probably doesnt speed up my connection. but its easier and faster than bittorent going at 1-5 kb/s. DC++ is ok. and so is e-mule. but i rather find an anti-leech site instead.

-- Anonymous, November 24, 2003

this is not a answer but a need instead. could you tell me where to get naruto 10 and up and not using any bittorren or share program because i got 56k and that freaking suck. and the filies MUST not be over 30 mb

-- Anonymous, November 26, 2003

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