How do I transfer movie from tape to pc with JVC GR70u? : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I have a GR D70U comcorder but I don't know how do transfer movies (not photos) to pc. can transfer by USB port or I must buy IEEE1394 card for transfer from DV port.please lead me. Thank you.

-- bagher karampour (, December 04, 2003


You can buy a "Firewire" cable (app. $35) that connects to your camera's DV in/out port and to your PC's USB port. There are two different types, four-pin or six pin and my JVC GR-DVM90 requires the four-pin. If you're running Windows XP (like I am), your computer will see the connection and you can use MS Movie Maker (which comes with Windows XP) to record, edit, etc. onto your hard drive. Hope that helped.

-- John Bowman (, January 23, 2004.

I am having the same question: how about I prerecordered something on the type - already there, how can I transfer the existing video file over to PC - like FTP over?


-- Stanley He (, February 06, 2004.

Just to point out, my Firewire connection is not working at all so be careful there but also to say that Firewire IS IEE1394, IEE1934 is the techincal label

-- James (, January 07, 2005.

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